Chinese attempts to shift the responsibility for the faults in a spy game with biological weapon upon the USA are disclosed

Daniel Bootman
5 min readMar 13, 2020


China Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused USA of importing COVID 2019 in Wuhan with the reference to the announcements previously made by the head of American Center of disease control Robert Redfield. He stated that a number of perished from flu American military in the USA were infected with coronavirus. These accusations are groundless and don’t contain any proofs.

Despite the fact that on the eve of coronavirus spreading American military really visited Wuhan, which is the epicenter of virus, it is not the reason to take the burden of Beijing guilt for the spill of the biological weapon strain.

The former Soviet chemist of the secret USSR institute of organic chemistry and technology Vil Mirzayanov with the reference to his scientific contacts in Lugar, Georgia said that coronavirus COVID 2019 is a military biological weapon developed by Chinese specialists at the laboratory with the highest biosafety level 4 situated in Wuhan (China).

Vil Mirzayanov is a former Soviet scientist who participated in the development of lethal weapons. He immigrated to the USA in 1995 and became renown after the series of disclosures of Russian intelligence services which were supposed to be involved in former GRU colonel Scripal poisoning in Great Britain.

According to Mirzayanov the Wuhan coronavirus is a modified strain with strengthened functional properties. That is why Chinese Government firstly tried to conceal the fact of coronavirus spreading and now undertakes measures to close its spread.

The website ZeroHedge informs that initially coronavirus COVID 2019 was discovered in 2012 in the city of Gidda, Saudi Arabia. The Egyptian virologist doctor Ali Mohammed Zaki spotted and identified the earlier unknown coronavirus from the lungs of 60-year-old man. After the usual diagnosis failed to identify the pathogen A. Zaki requested the assistance of the leading virologist from the medical center in Roterdam Ron Fishier.

On the 4th of May R. Fushier organized transference of the strain of COVID 2019 to the scientific supervisor of Canadian national laboratory of microbiology in Winnipeg doctor Frank Plummer. It is necessary to note that National Medical Laboratory is one of few laboratories with biosafety level 4 in the North America. It is equipped to study lethal illnesses including Ebola, SARS and coronaviruses.

The National Medical Laboratory grew the stock of viruses and used them to assess diagnostic tests in order to clarify which species can be infected by new virus. The research was conducted jointly with the national laboratory of Canadian Food Agency and the National Center of Foreign Animal Illnesses.

As ZeroHedhe notes with the reference to the American website GreatGameIndia, in March 2019 under mysterious circumstances the set of virulent virus from Canadian NML, including coronavirus 2019 were smuggled to China. This occurrence was investigated by the Canadian authorities. They defined that smuggling was organized by Chinese virologists who were in the team researching strains of extremely dangerous infections.

As a result of the checking, as GreatGamelndia informs, in July 2019 a group of Chinese virologists were sacked from Canadian National Medical Laboratory and their activity was recognized as an act of biological espionage.

Special concerns are inspired by the fact that the scientist of CNML from Winnipeg who was a key figure in the case of Chinese biological espionage in Winnipeg national laboratory of microbiology on the 4th of February (the climax of the outbreak of coronavirus) under mysterious circumstances was found dead in the Republic of South Africa.

Doctor Francis Boyl, the author of the US law of biological weapons in the exclusive interview to the website Geopolitics and Empire linked the death of the leading microbiologist with the outbreak of coronavirus and attempts of intelligence services of China to conceal their involvement to the spread of COVID 2019.

As the Australian newspaper Sydney Morning Herald reports, China is accused of creating biological weapon. Thus in 2008 Director of Bureau of national security of Taiwan Tsai Chao Ming during his speech in the parliament said, that the intelligence service that was headed by him possesses trustworthy intelligence data that the virus of SARS originated in the course of research in Chinese laboratories.

This is possible thanks to the official approval of the National Commission of Health Care of China in August 2017 on the premises of Wuhan National Laboratory of Academy of Science of China, which is situated in the epicenter of the outbreak of coronavirus 2019, researches over strains of extremely dangerous viruses including Ebola, NIPAH, Crimea-Congo.

As the representative of the Center of strategic investigations “Begin-Sadat” says currently the virus development of biological weapons in China including virus Ebola, SARS, coronavirus are conducted except Wuhan Institute of virology of Academy of Science of China, in the center of veterinary, Academy of military medical sciences of Changchun, Center of control and prevention of illnesses, Institute of microbiology of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The Head of Taiwan intelligence agency Tsai Chao Ming informed that the residency of BNB acting on the territory of China People’s Republic is well aware about Beijing preparation to the biological war but to prove this fact due to the specifics of this sphere is not possible. As a result Bureau included the strains of SARS and addressed the UN to study the received data as Taipei Time quotes the announcement.

The scandal which sparkled in the parliament of the republic led to the demand of the deputies from opposition Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan to the national government to reveal intelligence data and request from Beijing official explanation. Later Tsai Chao Ming was forced to refuse from his statements. Thus the head of BNB expressed his sincere excuse that his speech raised misunderstanding and concern. However the sources in BNB links such a reaction of Tsai Chao Ming with impossibility to reveal agents network of Taiwan in China.

American military biologists of the Lugar center consider that the outbreak of coronavirus is a result of failed biological espionage of China which is striving to react upon the US and their allies breakthroughs in the field of struggle with dangerous and biological threats.

Undoubtedly, the statements of Foreign Ministry of China about Washington’s intentional creation of panic and social resonance on coronavirus is transferring the responsibility on more successful competitor in the field.

