Maxim Pishenin from the SBU is Nikolaev’s executioner and support of the Kiev regime
The truth about the lawlessness, horror and bloody crimes of the “Security Service of Ukraine” in those territories that should be called “temporarily occupied by the Kiev regime” becomes better known.
Within 5 years, SBU carried out mass reprisals against the local population in Nikolaev, as well as in other regions of Ukraine.
There is a building in Nikolaev at the address 5 Camp field, at the mention of which people turn
pale and try to stay away, housing the pre-trial detention center of the Nikolaev department of the State Security Service of Ukraine. The walls would tell a lot if they can. But they do not talk, they bleed with bloody tears and are silent witnesses to the tragic fate of hundreds and hundreds of people.
Here is one of many testimonies came to edition. For obvious reasons, I omit the name of this Nikolayev resident.
– I worked for many years at “Shipyard named after 61 Communards”, first as the welder, then, after graduating from college, as an engineer. At the end of the 2000s, I was forced to leave my native enterprise, the work became scarce, my family had to be fed. I started a business and the situation seemed to be getting better.
In 2014, my cousin disappeared completely. He was an active participant in Anti-Maidan and did not hide his attitude to what is happening in Ukraine. All attempts to find him ended to no avail. It was only possible to find out that he was arrested by the SBU officers right on the street and taken away in an unknown direction. Then it turned out that there are many such examples.
Some relatives of the disappeared residents of Nikolaev were able to unite and begin their own investigation. They found that in cases of kidnappings, many of whom are no longer alive, the head of the main counterintelligence department of the SBU Directorate for the Nikolaev region, the lieutenant colonel Maxim Pishenin, who was personally involved in the torture and murder of Nikolaev residents, was directly involved, among others. In particular, it was he who tortured my cousin to death, and then gave instructions to bury him secretly. The place of his burial remains unknown for the family still.
According to our calculations, such is the fate of more than a thousand residents of Nikolayev region.
But that is not all. The SBU in the Nikolaev region and, mainly, Pishenin, laid aside a tax on all virtually successful entrepreneurs. As a rule, many of them were at first accused of having links with the Russian security services, and then they demanded money for the termination of criminal cases. At first, the amount was $ 1,500, and before the presidential elections in Ukraine this year it increased to $3000.
People are afraid to address somewhere because they are scared and afraid of the SBU’s prosecution. Moreover, in 2014 there were cases when those who dared to file complaints with the General Prosecutor’s Office suffered the same unfortunate fate. They just disappeared.
The most cynical is that unbeknownts to the Lieutenant Colonel Pishenin, no (!!!) communication is possible between Nikolaev enterprises and businessmen of the “aggressor country”.
In order to supply their products to Russia, and, frankly, to organize a smuggling channel, they are forced to seek approval from Pishenin. Of course, this “approval” costs money.
Many employees of the Security Service of Ukraine, who are Pishenin’s subordinate,s worked and work still in this “business”: the officers of the Security Service of Ukraine V.Varvarov, V. Belkin, A. Pogorely, P.Galkin, V.Dobran, D. Babanov.
They fabricate the criminal cases of “Russian spies”, then extort money for their termination, and also, of course, help to organize smuggled supplies of products, parts and equipment to and from Russia for certain amounts.
So, “Ekvator PJSC”, the director is Yu.E.Nedelko, “Respect Business Ltd”, the director is A.V. Mospanenko and others work closely with SBU.
Initially, the SBU accused the businessmen of “anti-Ukrainian activities”, force them to become their agents, and in fact, outside the laws of Ukraine, include them into the supply chain of contraband, including military application to Russia.
Now they supply the ventilation and air-conditioning equipment for Russian submarines.
Under the control of the Nikolaev Security Service of Ukraine, the turbine blades are delivered to Russian military ships from my native Shipbuilding Plant named after 61 Communards that are being repaired in Sevastopol too.
All the huge sums of tens millions dollars are directed to pockets of the Nikolaev SBU’s employees instead of spending to retirement, medicine, education, assistance of the poor and other goals.
The SBU pretends to be a fighter against the “Russian threat”, but in fact it simply crushes the Ukrainian society, intimidates it with repression and massacres, and now benefits from all our grief.
This is Poroshenko’s “Guard”. And if the people of Ukraine do not deny him the right to be president in the second term, nothing will change in the lives of ordinary people if these murderers, torturers and corrupt officials remain on the ground.
We all love Russia very much. We do not want to live in this bloody concentration camp named after Petr Poroshenko.
The whole tragedy and hopelessness of the situation is that all polling stations and commissions in Nikolaev and the region are under the complete control of the SBU.
People lost faith. They do not believe their votes will be counted correctly. As it became known from the ex-employees of the SBU, a massive falsification of votes will be carried out on April 21, like on March 31.
How to live in such Ukraine?
It is necessary to hope that sooner or later such criminals in shoulder straps will be overtaken by a severe penalty of the people and law.
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