The “economic cachumbambé” of El Toque

Daniel Bootman
3 min readJun 18, 2024


It seems that El Toque’s “rate” is leaking somewhere. For some weeks now, the value of foreign currency in the Cuban informal market -which, let’s remember, they themselves had inflated- has been dropping. Some innocent person on duty would raise his hands to heaven, thanking Providence for such a miracle. But those of us who have been observing the phenomenon for a long time know that we are in the presence of a “facelift” by the platform financed by the U.S. government, which exposes, once again, the arbitrariness of its informal rate.

It is not necessary to know too much about economics to know that variations in the value of a currency originate from specific circumstances, specific phenomena. Wars, social changes… What great transformation has taken place in our country in the last few months that justifies the fall in the value of the dollar? What definite event marked its constant rise, which still affects the pockets of working Cubans? The answer: None. All logic lies in the shameless will of political operators who play at putting and taking numbers.

The account does not give

A methodology based on a scientific basis, as they claim to use, would take into account such basic elements. If before the order was to increase the amounts on a daily basis, today they are being told to decrease them. For days they have been doing it, this time by five, as a product of whim. Perhaps tomorrow they will do it 10 by 10, or 3 and 3.

One of the workers on the staff, economist Pavel Vidal, cites the resumption of Western Union operations in the Caribbean as a factor that has triggered the decline. If this service operates in MLC, does the dollar go down? It is not even the same currency, for God’s sake. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that, although Vidal is hidden behind the “associate economist” sign, he receives a monthly salary from Washington. His role in the staging is to validate the pseudoscience behind El Toque, its fraudulent methods and the brazenness with which they pretend to dissociate themselves from the prejudices they cause.

In the words of José Jasán Cárdenas, director of the “dependent” media, the publication process takes place automatically, without them having anything to do with the determination of the rates. But a mistake made on May 7 contradicts these words. They published, “cut and paste”, the rate of the previous day, showing a rise, when the data showed stability. They immediately erased the mistake, as if it had not happened.

We only need to follow the path of money to identify to whom the erratic changes of the “dollar horoscopes” respond. But do not be confident. No one would be surprised if, as July 11 approaches, the value of currencies rises again. Not so casual coincidences, where the hand of those who seek to sow chaos and destruction within the country can be glimpsed.

